Chapman’s Landing – Stratham, NH
Chapman’s Landing is owned by NH Fish & Game and includes a boat ramp, parking lot, and valuable salt marsh located just north of route 108 along the Squamscott River in Stratham. NH Fish and Game wanted the design team to assess erosion rates along the shoreline and offer design suggestions that would address any erosion concerns while maintaining boater access and preserving saltmarsh sparrow habitat.

The preliminary designs developed through the Great Bay Living Shoreline Project are meant to illustrate techniques to incorporate softer/green techniques into shoreline stabilization projects in coastal NH. The preliminary designs are not final, have not been granted regulatory approval, and are insufficient for construction. Advancing preliminary designs through subsequent steps of project development will require assistance from an environmental consulting firm to finalize: site assessment, engineering designs, permit applications, and construction specifications.
Design Team Materials
Below are links to the team’s design memo, design plans, recorded presentation given at the final workshop in April 2022, and additional suggestions and comments to consider if the project moves forward.
Design Team
The Chapman’s Landing Design Team was comprised of six professionals with backgrounds in engineering, ecology, and landscape architecture.
- Jennifer Riordan, Senior Environmental Scientist, GM2 Associates, Inc.
- Grace Glynn, Wetland Scientist – Dubs & King, Inc.
- Kyle Johnson, Water Resources Engineer/Climate Resiliency Regional Lead – Kleinfelder
- Susanne Smith Meyer, Landscape Architect – Independent
- Riana Kernan, Water Resources Engineer – Gomez and Sullivan Engineers, DPC
- Nathan Dill, Coastal Engineer – Ransom Consulting, LLC