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Assessment of Climate Change in Coastal NH
This project produced a detailed assessment of climate change for coastal NH that describes how the region’s climate has changed over the past century, and how climate may change over the course of this century based on different global greenhouse gas emission scenarios. The results were detailed in a report and series of presentations titled, Climate Change in the Piscataqua/Great Bay Region: Past, Present, and Future. Adapting to a changing climate requires both data and information at a spatial and temporal scale that is relevant to decision making. Unfortunately, information provided by existing national and broad regional climate change impact assessments were not sufficiently detailed to provide municipal and regional decision-makers with key decision-relevant information. This climate assessment provided decision-relevant information on a regional scale to individual, municipal, regional, and state decision-makers. The information compiled in this climate assessment provides the foundation for developing local adaptation plans to a changing climate, and this project disseminated this information to seacoast municipalities as well as regional and state organizations.