Climate in the Classroom: Oyster River Middle School

CAW members from UNH Cooperative Extension, NH Sea Grant, and Strafford Regional Planning Commission worked with teachers at Oyster River Middle School in Durham, NH, to conduct a Climate in the Classroom Program. The Project Team visited with 5th grade classes during the spring of 2016 to give a presentation and do an interactive activity to brainstorm positive and negative impacts of climate change. The students then split into groups to develop posters that answered questions about climate change. The Climate in the Classroom program culminated in a community event in May 2016, held at the Durham Public Library, where students presented their posters and answered questions from the attendees. Over 90 people attended the event, including students, their families, and other teachers and community members.

Project Lead

University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, New Hampshire Sea Grant, and Strafford Regional Planning Commission


New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program

Time Frame

Start: July 1, 2015
End: December 31, 2016

Climate in the Classroom, Durham (photo: Rebecca Zeiber)