UNH Extension, NH Sea Grant, and Strafford Regional Planning Commission collaborated with a team of volunteers from Dover to implement a high-water mark (HWM) art project. The HWM project sought to engage community members in proposing and implementing public art projects that convey future flood risks as sea levels rise and extreme precipitation events become more frequent and intense.
The team convened a small planning group of Dover citizens and coordinated a youth art contest to help spark community conversations about climate impacts and adaptation. A winning project proposal was selected and a location was identified (see the flyer for more information). The final version of the mural was unveiled at the Feb. 20, 2019, ribbon-cutting for the City of Dover’s new solar array atop the pool and NH Children’s Museum. Artist Sofia Self can be seen with the mural here. The mural was placed in its permanent location on in April 2019.
Additional rounds will focus on professional artists and other interested parties.