Implementing Phase I of the Lubberland Creek Culvert Restoration

Culvert replacement at the Bay Road crossing of Lubberland Creek in Newmarket achieves three primary goals: (1) restoration of aquatic connectivity at the system’s tidal/freshwater interface allowing diadromous fish passage at the perched Bay Road culvert, (2) enhancement of the resilience of Lubberland Creek salt marsh by removal of the existing tidal restriction at Bay Road with a structure that allows upstream salt marsh migration as sea levels continue to rise, and (3) remediation of the flood hazard of this road-stream crossing, which overtops during major flood events and thereby compromises public safety.

Project Lead

The Nature Conservancy


New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program

Time Frame

Start: February 1, 2015
End: May 31, 2016

Lubberland crossing, Newmarket, NH (credit: Pete Steckler)