Project Portal Rewinding Conversations About Managed Retreat: A Concept Development Proposal to the Climigration Network This proof of concept project is designed to support research and development needed to produce a PowerPlay production on managed retreat. The UNH...
Project Portal Coastal Resilience: North Hampton and Little Boar’s Head Climate Adaptation Master Plan Chapters The Town of North Hampton and the Little Boar’s Head Beach Village District are developing climate adaptation master plan chapters. These...
Project Portal Coastal Resilience: Social Equity and Resilience in Dover The City of Dover, in partnership with Strafford Regional Planning Commission and other partners, are collaborating to better understand the social equity implications of climate impacts and...
Project Portal NOAA Regional Resilience Grant Phase II The goal of this project is to enhance coastal New Hampshire’s resilience in the face of erosion and projected flood risk by enhancing living shoreline knowledge about best practices through evaluation of...
Project Portal Seacoast Transportation Corridor Vulnerability Assessment and Plan This project enables the NHDES Coastal Program (NHCP) to work with the RPC, the New Hampshire Department of Transportation, the University of New Hampshire, and coastal municipalities to...