Project Portal This project utilized consulting services to supplement City staff hours to provide an inventory, analysis and recommendations that were easily integrated into the Master Plan update process (scheduled to start in July 2012), the building code, and the...
Project Portal An empirical relationship exists between storm tide, waves and coastal flooding or splash-over damage (NWS coastal flood study). Knowing this relationship helps predict when flooding and splash-over events (such as beach erosion) might occur based on...
Project Portal The objective of this project is to produce a suite of non-regulatory, Risk MAP products to accompany the updated floodplain maps for the NH Coastal Mapping project. Collectively, they extend the utility of the maps and reports, encourage community...
Project Portal This project included three components: 1) Research and documentation of the best practice/innovative municipal adaptation approaches in the Northeast; 2) Municipal technical assistance through a small grant program; and 3) Adaptation/resilience...
Project Portal The objective of this project is the creation of new Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs) and Flood Insurance Studies (FISs) for the downstream portions of the Piscataqua/Salmon Falls Basin (HUC 8 Watershed 01060003), including the ocean coastline...