PROJECT PORTAL Using Science, Building Social Capital, and Unpacking Tax Incentives for a Resilient Coastal New Hampshire (SUSTAIN NH) The SUSTAIN NH Project of Special Merit sought to: Update best available coastal flood risk science and enable its use in...
Project Portal A Process for Long-term Hazard Mitigation, Adaptation, and Managed Retreat in Hampton The Climigration Network seed grant enabled the Seabrook-Hamptons Estuary to conduct a Situation Assessment to better understand flooding impacts, costs, concerns, and...
Project Portal Building on the initial outreach to conservation commissions conducted during the NH Setting SAIL project, UNH Cooperative Extension and NH Sea Grant staff provided supplemental outreach and technical assistance to help interested Conservation...
Project Portal The High Water Mark (HWM) Initiative is a community-based project whereby municipalities design, coordinate and implement a HWM project. The HWM initiative involves: 1) installing a sign/marker in a highly visible location, accessible to the public,...
Project Portal The coastal communities of Hampton and Seabrook are increasingly vulnerable to climate-driven threats such as erosion, storm surge, and sea level rise. Sand dunes play an important role in buffering the coastline from erosion and flooding; however, use...