Project Portal The Town of Seabrook elected to apply grant funds to support preparation of a new Master Plan Chapter to address growing concerns in the community about the potential future impacts of climate change. At their September 2016 meeting, the Planning Board...
Project Portal The Rockingham Planning Commission (RPC) received a grant from the Northeast Region Ocean Council to provide technical assistance to the seven Atlantic coastal municipalities to implement recommended strategies from the Tides to Storms Vulnerability...
Project Portal This project’s goal is to enhance stakeholder capacity to make informed decisions related to the protection and restoration of buffers around New Hampshire’s Great Bay Estuary. The project will be integrating existing geospatial information and the best...
Project Portal Nitrogen loading in the Great Bay Estuary and associated tributaries is a concern for many communities within the Piscataqua Region watershed. With increasing precipitation from climate change, Exeter aims to improve fertilizer application setbacks...
Project Portal The Preparing for Climate Change in Dover program kicked off in October 2014. The NROC team worked with a local steering committee comprised of 10 members, including board members and city staff. The NROC team met with the steering committee six times...